General Abstract Information
All abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the AHTA Review Panel and those accepted will be published in the Conference Program Handbook and delegate attendee app.
Please note that only the abstracts selected by the AHTA Scientific Committee will be presented as a paper presentation. All other accepted abstracts will be offered the opportunity to present as a poster.
Paper and poster presentation guidelines will be provided on acceptance into the Program.
All abstracts must be prepared according to the instructions provided on the conference website.
Conditions of Presenting
Presenting authors are required to register for the conference and must have paid their registration fee in full prior to the event.
Standard audio visual is provided for all sessions (microphone, lectern, data projector, screen, and laptop).
Presentations will be recorded to be made available via the virtual platform after the conference.
NHMRC Requirements
I confirm that I have read and adhered to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.
AHTA Requirements
Note: you will be required to acknowledge agreement to the above terms and conditions when submitting your abstract(s).